The Reflection of Iranian Moderate Islam on Politics and Society in Indonesia



The most important concern of Muslims after the passing away of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been that political and social life be based on the teachings of Islam. During the past few centuries, Islamic societies have made different interpretations of Islam, including traditionalism/fundamentalism, modernism/secularism, and moderation. One of the most important readings in recent years has been Iranian Moderate Islam. Moderate Islam is derived from pure Quranic thought and the Prophetic tradition. Iranian Moderate Islam is based on the sovereignty of God and emphasis on the role of people in politics and society.

Indonesia as the most populous Islamic country has both influenced and been affected by other Islamic regions which has had cultural relations with other regions of the Islamic world, especially the Middle East, for hundreds of years. This research tries to answer this question using the documentary method and interviews with experts, posing the question: What has been the impact of Iranian Moderate Islam in the field of strengthening religious legitimacy and political and social participation based on Islamic teachings in Indonesia?

Iranian Moderate Islam emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the role of people in the political and social system. The reflection of Iranian Moderate Islam in Indonesia has strengthened Islamic teachings, such as relying on religious identity, symbols, culture, and the attention of political systems to religious issues and participation of people in political and social arenas with religious motivations and so on.

About Author

Mohammad Ali Nazari
Mohammad Ali Nazari
Lecturer at Qom University, Kashan University and Islamic Azad University in Iran. He is a PhD graduate of political studies from Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Institute, a Postdoctoral researcher from Shahid Beheshti University and a PhD student of regional studies at Tehran University.

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